The instructors were great! Made me feel very confident. Delaney – Colorado Springs, CO

Instructors are very knowledgeable and super sweet and patient. Class room has a great learning atmosphere. Jennifer – Denver, CO

Each instructor was so welcoming and personable. I felt truly cared for by each of you and loved learning about each instructors strong suit from them directly. Appreciated the short 5 minute breaks in between lessons to digest/process information. Aja – Littleton, CO

The material was presented in an easy to follow and comprehend way. Instructors were approachable and positive with feedback. Filly – Kansas City, MO

Loved this school and 6 days more than I originally thought I would! I only wish we could have done more things on ourselves and sometimes I felt like some instructors weren’t as friendly, patient, or understanding as they should have been. But I get it, it probably gets old teaching the same things over and over. Sophie – Boulder, CO

I liked that the pre-tests were before the more in depth review because it puts into perspective how much more you know after vs. before. Alexandra – Raton, NM

The instructors were wonderful and I was/am grateful to be working with a great group of students as well. The course is fast paced, but we were provided plenty of opportunities to ask questions. I had limited knowledge of lasers and this was such a great course. Amanda – Thornton, CO

I have learned so much, they were all very patient with us. Vera – Englewood, CO

Class was always interesting. Has very clear information. All the people in the college are very helpful when helping you learn. Karime – Thornton, CO