May Testimonials
I learned so much during my time here. A lot of information for one week, but the instructors will make sure you feel confident before leaving. I also really enjoyed how you take it a step further into the business and give us insight about the industry. Kadie – Kalispell, MT
It’s a complete professional environment provided by the college to all. The instructors, especially Mr. Ray and Ms. Jess Brune’s way of explaining is such that is easily understood even by non-medical students. Ms. Jess Cozzi and Ms. Renee are such pleasant instructors. Not to forget Ms. Ronnie who initiates the whole process!! Love them all!! Simran – Virginia
Wealth of knowledge presented in an honest, laid back, real world manner. I truly appreciate your instructors sharing all of their pro tips, as well as mistakes, and having a ‘we’re here for you’ policy after graduation. Special thanks to Cozzi for her relaxed approach, made me relax! Mitzi – Bozeman, MT
If a student has a 504 plan (legal educational plan), please tell them to work on online work as soon as they get accepted, and help them set a plan of how long to do the work per day, note taking tips, and study tips. Schedule a meeting with them to support them with guidance. Alaura – Denver
All the instructors were super welcoming and helpful. I feel like I learned a great amount of knowledge. Thank you for all your help! Shelby – Thornton
This has been an educational and fabulous experience! Thank you all for your time and patience. This place is amazing, and I fully understand why graduates of RMCC are so successful! Thanks again! Kelly – Colorado Springs
Fantastic course. Exceeded expectations. Very helpful that it is affiliated with active laser clinic. Friendly environment. Love that it is “brand agnostic.” Also greatly appreciate the relationship with the school. I feel like this will be an important resource! Edward – Hillsborough, CA
I had a wonderful time in class. All instructors were awesome and knowledgeable and able to answer questions in class and one on one. Ashlee – Columbia, MO
Very easy to follow along, great hands on practice! Love the structure. Lilli – Aurora
You all rock! I have zero experience with lasers so it was very intimidating walking in day 1. Staff was very friendly and relatable. Ray is awesome in the way he presents the lecture materials and made going back to school fun. Julia – Denver
The instructors were excellent and I feel like I learned so much. Thank you! Emily – Lincoln, ME
I think the best learning happens when you can sit and be taught something and later on the same day apply that learning to hands on practice! This was so great, thank you so much! Danielle – Lincoln, ME