Jenice cover photoWant skin that glows? We can help with lasers and treatments; taking years off your face. Plastic Surgeon, Dr Steven Mulholland of Toronto suggests three treatments, three weeks apart for the BEST results:

First – Color issues corrected with the Intense Pulsed Light device

Second – Fine lines and crinkle reduction with the Co2 laser, it penetrates 3 times deeper than other devices

Third – 3 treatments of skin tightening with Radio Frequency

There are also some very helpful moisturizers and products like our Elta MD line.  They are affordable for everyday use, and as effective as brands twice the price.  That’s why we sell them!

But, what can YOU do? Your diet can have a huge impact on the health and appearance of your skin. The extra shine that you have been looking for can come through the addition of these ten foods.

BLUEBERRIES: The antioxidant activity in this tasty berry is ranked #1 to protect you from premature aging.

SALMON (Wild caught only.): Ah, the skin enhancing Omega-3 fatty acids. They fight inflammation, which is now seen as the leading cause of acne. It is also a good source of selenium, which is a UV protecting mineral.

KIWI: Open up this brown, fuzzy fruit to a treasure trove of vitamin c and antioxidants. This fruit helps keep your skin firm and wrinkle free.

OYSTERS: Oysters are an excellent source of Zinc, which aids in skin cell renewal and repair.

SPINACH: This leafy green vegetable is rich in nutrients and antioxidants. It will keep your eyes and skin sparkling.

SWEET POTATOES: Sweet potatoes are packed with beta carotene which makes it an anti aging powerhouse.

WALNUTS: The only nut with significant amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids, it is especially important for vegetarians who skip fish in their diet.

TOMATOES: The antioxidant lycopein in tomatoes, (which increases when cooked and processed), improves the skin’s natural SPF.

SARDINES: This fatty fish is particularly rich in the Omega-3 fatty acid called DHA. It fights skin imflammation which causes acne.

DARK CHOCOLATE: This tasty treat is rich in cocoa flavonoids, plant compounds with antioxidant properties, which help hydrate the skin and improve circulation.

Try adding these foods to your diet  for the kind of skin which glows from the inside out.