May Testimonials

May Testimonials

I learned so much during my time here. A lot of information for one week, but the instructors will make sure you feel confident before leaving. I also really enjoyed how you take it a…

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April Testimonials

April Testimonials

Grateful for the patience since my main language is Spanish. Good interaction and group control, everything clean and well organized. Stephanie – Puerto Rico I loved everything about this course, the material was presented in…

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March Testimonials

March Testimonials

Loved the mash up of instructors. Ray’s instruction and explanations were very detailed and allowed me to process in small chunks. I love how committed RMLC is to their grads and their success after graduation.…

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December Testimonials

December Testimonials

All the instructors were very knowledgeable and helpful. Their energy made learning fun and memorable. You gals and Ray rock! Mercades – Salina I loved the small class, it allowed for a lot of hands…

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November Testimonials

November Testimonials

One of the best hands on instruction. The instructors made the class fun while learning and retaining the information. I would highly recommend to others. Elisa – Commerce City I can’t explain how much I…

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